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Holmgren, C. (2007). Entreprenörskap & Företagsklimat - En studie av attityder i Västernorrlands län. Örebro: FSF
Berglund, K. och Holmgren C. (2006). At the Intersection of Entrepreneurship Education Policy and Practice. Proceedings from the 14th NCSB Conference in Stockholm 2006.
Holmgren, C. (2005). The Case of Sweden. In: Lundström, A., (ed.), Creating Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurship - Nordic examples and experiences, Örebro: FSF.
Holmgren, C., Lundström, A., Olofsson,. och Viklands, I, (2005) Interrelated effects of entrepreneurship education programs supported by local, regional and/or national authorities. Paper presented at International Entrepreneurship Conference, 2005-07-10-13.
Holmgren, C. (2004), Entreprenörskapsandan i Örebro och Västernorrlands län, Örebro: FSF.
Holmgren, C. (2004). Skapa din framtid - en utvärdering av Open for Business, Örebro: FSF.
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad 2012-06-06
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